Dr. Indu P. P.*
The greatest fear of diabetic patients is loss of eyesight and amputation. Diabetic foot is a quiet dread of disability with the ever dangling end of an amputation, thus makes the diabetic foot the most feared and devastating complication of diabetes. Current therapies have a limited success rate and fall short in addressing the micro vascular pathology present in diabetics. The circumstances have never been better for the preservation of diabetic lower extremity .The challenge is to get these patients back on their feet. So there is an urgent need for the proper understanding of pathogenesis of Diabetic foot as per the principles of Ayurveda for finding out a safe and effective Ayurvedic management. The concept of Prameha, Dushta vrana, Rakta dushti and Sonitha Mokshana are the key factors that should be addressed during the Ayurvedic management of Diabetic Foot.
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