Vidya Dharshini K.* and Neelavathy R.
Nadi is a remarkable diagnostic parameter in Siddha system of medicine which is included in envagaithervu and well explained by Siddhars. User friendly modern diagnostic methods, less number of Nadi experts and little number of publish documents has led to non-familiar of Nadi. Current study was done to locate the different Nadi assessment places and compare the locations with anatomical landmarks. Literature review was done using text books and journals. Various number of Nadi locations were documented in the literature. Ten locations of Nadi assessment places were mentioned in Thirumoolar nadi nool (TNN) and Yugimuni nadi (YN) and five locations were noted in Nadi vagadam (NV). A discrepancy was noted with the locations of Nadi among the text books.Ten places was documented at TNN as Kuthi santhi (ankle-posterior tibial artery/dorsalis pedis artery), Kamiyam (inguinal region-femoral artery), Unthi (epigastric region-abdominal aorta), Marbu (chest-precordial impulse), Kaathu (ear-posterior auricular artery/superficial temporal artery), Mooku (nose-angular artery/facial artery), Kandam (neck-common carotid artery), Karam (upper limb-axillary artery/brachial artery/ulnar artery/radial artery/princeps pollicis artery), Puruvam (eye brow-superficial temporal artery) and Uchchi (fontanelle-cerebral artery). Kaaladi (sole-medial and lateral plantar artery), Mulankal (Knee-popliteal artery), Mulankai (elbow-brachial artery) and Kaikuli (armpit-axillary artery) were mentioned in YN, even though Unthi, Kaathu, Mooku and Kamiyam not documented. Kai, Kanukkal, Kandam, Kalin peruviral (big-toe–medial plantar artery) and Kannichchuli (fontanelle) were noted in NV. Generally upper limb was used, whereas different locations were documented to assess Nadi. Warranting further studies needed to ensure the suitable locations to assess the Nadi in clinical practice.
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