Dr. Harish Daga* Dr. Hemant Toshikhane and Dr. Satej Banne
A model refers to the replica of an object or an object that probably could exist. Although animals are used generally as models for human beings, they are also used in research to improve the health of other animals. These days, animal models (mainly pigs, but also dogs and sheep) are used for kidney transplantation, bone marrow transfer and heart surgery, to develop new methods for the cure or alleviation of organ diseases in humans.Variation in anatomy and physiology of different types of models with man and within species however prevents any one model becoming suitable for all purposes hence the need for selection of models in clinical research is important.Large numbers of students are not acquired the basic surgical fundaments after graduation so Various manikins, Virtual reality (VR) simulators low and high-fidelity bench models etc. have been used as teaching and learning tools. Yogya sutriya chapter of sushruta samhita is a preliminary brainstorming context; a scholar can develop his surgical skill in a safe and regulated environment. In this article we tried to describe the type of experimental models with scope of selection of models with prominence in biomedical research.
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