Dr. Reetesh Rathore*, Dr. Dinesh Choudhari and Dr. Rajshee T. Shilimkar
The term Sandhi means samyoga or junction or union or meeting place or association. Incontext sandhi means asthi samyoga sthaana or the place where bones meet. Thus sandhi or joint is formed when two or more bony ends meet at a place. Aacharya Sushruta has quoted that although there are numerous Sandhi in our body which cannot be counted so only Asthi Sandhi should be considered while enumerating Sandhis. There are 210 Sandhi in the human body. Sushruta has classified Sandhi on the following basis: (a) On the basis of function (movements) are classified into Cheshtavanta and Sthira Sandhi while Aacharya Gananatha Sen has classified Sandhis on the basis of movements as Bahucheshta, Alpacheshta, Acheshta. (b) On the structure are classified into 8 types i.e. Kora, Ulukhala, Samudga, Pratara, Tunnasevani, Vayasatunda, Mandala and Shankhavarta. A thorough knowledge of the structure and function of the joint is required to diagnose and treat the diseases of joints. So the knowledge of anatomy of joints should be known.
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