Dr. Ravi Joshi* and Dr. Vidya Rani Joshi
Rasayana tantra is one of the eight major clinical disciplines of Astang Ayurveda. The term does not only refer to a drug or therapy but to a comprehensive disciplines which may of course include a therapy. It is a multiangled approach taking care of the body, the mind and the spirit. Ayurveda have two main objectives, to maintain the health of healthy individuals and to care the disease of the diseased person. Rasayana chikitsa is mainly used for maintaining the health individuals, although it can be used for diseased also. Susruta defines Rasayana an a measure which prolongs longevity develops positive health and improve mental faculties and provides resistance and immunity against diseases. It is a specialised type of treatment influencing the fundamental aspect of the body viz, dhatu (body tissues) Agni (the metabolic activity) and srotas (microcirculation) and helps in the prevention of aging. As per classification or Rasayana charak described kutipravesika and vatatapika according the mode of administration, susrutha described Rasayana according to object ie kamya, naimittika and Ajasrika. Again it classified special Rasayana drug and measures ie- medhya and Achara Rasayan for mental and rejuvenative purpose. Thus as also concluded elsewhere the Rasayan Therapy of Ayurveda is a very comprehensive desipline on an interesting philosophy and on sound scientific footings. It introduces a new concept of nutrition, longevity, immunity and mental competence and ability.
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