World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Chitra Devi Sharma* and Dr. Aniruddha Singh Yadav


[In present era Human being is suffering from very irregular life style. Especially the life style of Urban Society is becoming very fast and stressful. This circumstance frequently leads people towards problems like indigestion. Ayurvedic classics believe that the Ajirna (indigestion) is the root of many diseases. The word ajirna, itself signifies the state of incomplete process of digestion is agnimandya. (weakened digestive fire) Ajirna is a condition where the food remain undigested in gastro intestinal tract. It can occur with any of the four Agni conditions i.e. Samagni, Mandagni, Teekshnagni, Vishamagni. Because Agni also depends on the quantity of the Ahara (diet) .The ratio of Partantra Vikara is much higher than Swatantra Vikara, Paratantra Vikara having Jatharaghi Mandya as a root cause which is frequent in & routine clinical practice. Classics also advocate Annavaha Srotasa and Purisavaha Srotasa (Gastointestinal tract) are considered as a Adhisthana for Ajirna. On basis of abovementioned verse, the manifestation of Ajirna is takes place in two main regions situated in GI tract. They are Amashya and Pakawasaya, which are termed as a Udbhavasthana for Paratantra Vikara. (Ca. Vi. 6/3).The Mala (Sarira Abadhakara Dhatu-Vitiated Dosa, Dhatu, Ama etc.), which released from Udbhavasthana circulate in whole body and get sthanasamsraya in different Dhatus which are in deficient status. This Sthanasamsraya manifests different “Dhatu pradosaja Vikaras. Among the types of Ajirna, Amajirna has been a loted as a Slaismika Ajirna because Amashya is Vikara Adhisthana for it. Amashya is also mentioned as one of the prime Adhisthana as a cause of different types of Santrapanjanya Paratantra Vikara. Trikatu have three drugs which help to eliminate amadosha, it also acts as agnivardan, amapachana. Haritaki act as also deepan, pachana Anulomana effect]

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