Alina Arshad* and Prof Jamal Ara
Objective: To assess the frequency of anemia in adults of Pakistan. Introduction; Anemia is a still widely prevalent among the apparently healthy adults of Pakistan. This study is to assess the frequency of anemia in adults without any known blood dyscrasias, or organ compromise. It would enable us to know how grave the situation is and propel us to double our efforts in its eradication. Methodology: 100 patients were randomly selected in a cross sectional, observational study from 4th June 2018 till 22nd June 2018 at Creek General Hospital, Karachi, a multicenter tertiary care hospital. The participants were patients from medical clinics aged 18 years and above. Pregnant females, patients under 18years and patients with severe organ insufficiency or blood dyscrasias were excluded. The results showed that out of 28 males, 14 had anemia (50%), whereas, out of 72 females, 49 were found anemic, accounting for 68% of the count. In the study, 12 (12%) patients were found to be smokers from which 7 out of 12 (58%) were anemic. 11 out of 100 patients (11%) were diabetic, out of which 7 presented with anemia (63%). It was seen that 15 out of 23 (65%) women with 0-3 children had anemia. Amongst those who had 4-6 children 56% had anemia (13 out of 23). In the group of mothers with more than 7 children, 9 out of 10 (90%) were diagnosed with anemia. Anemics were more that non anemic in all age groups. Conclusion: anemia is widely prevalent in Pakistan.
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