Udaya lakshmi K., Hema Latha A., Bhavya V., Divya G., Ranganayakulu D.
Cerebral palsy is commonest motor disability affecting a large pediatric population worldwide. Children affected with the disease presents with developmental delay and motor deficits and may have one or more associated problems like mental retardation, seizures, feeding difficulties along with ophthalmologic and hearing impairments. In the ayurvedic literatures consumption of ghrita is highly recommended in the management of psychiatric disorders as it is having lipophilic action and it acts on brain so; it is well established that it can cross the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB). Brahmi Ghrita contains Brahmi (Bacopa monneri), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Kushtha (Saussurea lappa), Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricalis) and Purana Ghrita, indicated for treatment of Apasmara (seizures) and Graha (syndromic disorders). This ghrita was first mentioned in Charak Samhita and in due course of time, this formulation was modified by various Acharya as per requirement of patients, nature of disease, Desh, Kala, etc. Acharya Kashyapa has mentioned Lehanakarma in Lehadhyaya in which Brahmi Ghrita is having Medhajanana karma. It is given with Madhu in unequal quantity in early morning before food. Multiple clinical and experimental studies have been conducted on Brahmi Ghrita which has shown its results in improved learning and memory, anticonvulsant action, CNS depressant activity, anti-amnestic actions, antinociceptive action, its effect on depression and in ADHD children and many are on its neurocognitive actions.
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