Dr. Sumbal Amjad, Dr. Yusra Bukhari and Dr. Mamoona Kausar*
Background: The incidence of diabetic nephropathy have been increased rapidly in last couple of years and became an economic burden to the healthcare system. In this study we have determined the frequency of diabetic nephropathy in diabetic patients visiting a tertiary care hospital. Material and methods: It is a cross-sectional study done at Diabetic clinic OPD of Nishtar Hospital Multan. We enrolled 100 consecutive patients with diabetes mellitus presenting to diabetic OPD. After taking detailed history (like age, sex, socio economic status, duration of diabetes, smoking, alcohol, family history of DM and kidney disease), reviewing previous medical record, doing necessary laboratory investigations (HbA1c, FBS, RBS, lipid profile, renal parameters, liver function test, serum albumin, complete urine examination, 24 hour urine protein concentration etc.), blood pressure readings and ultrasound KUB we analyzed all the data of patient. Statistical analysis was performed by entering data in SPSS version 19. Results: Among these 100 diabetic patients, 46 (46%) were male diabetic patients and 54 (54%) were female patients. Mean age of our patients was 49 ± 6.23 years while mean duration of diabetes was 8.44 ± 3.62 years. 60% of patients were not taking treatment for the diabetes with compliance while only 40% had controlled diabetes due to proper compliance. Mean FBS level was 203 ± 29.66 mg/dl. Out of these 100 patients, 19 were smoker, while 70 patients had history of hypertension. We found that 26 patients have Diabetic Nephropathy. Seventeen patients were having microalbuminuria and 9 patients were having Macroalbuminurea in urine analysis in our study. Conclusion: We observed incidence of diabetic nephropathy was much higher than our expectations. Major risk factors for developing Diabetic Nephropathy are was old age, prolonged disease duration, poor glycemic control, poor compliance with treatment and hypertension. There was major ratio of diabetic patients who were not compliant with the treatment and were unaware of consequences. It is need of hour that awareness campaigns should be done targeted population. Proper treatment and well controlled diabetes can help to decrease long term complications in such patients.
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