*Dr. Nikhil Chandra, Dr. Vidya Hirlekar, Dr. Sreelakshmi, Dr. Deepak D. and Dr. Rajesh A. R.
*Dr. Nikhil Chandra, Dr. Vidya Hirlekar, Dr. Sreelakshmi, Dr. Deepak D. and Dr. Rajesh A. R.
Amlapitta is considered to be a annavaha sroto dusti vikara due to impairment of jatharagni by increased drava and amla guna of Vidagdha pachaka pitta along with kledaka kapha and samana vayu. Aharaja (Dietary factors), Viharaja (Lifestyle), Manasika (psychological factors), Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, smoking, alcohol etc are some of the main etiological factors responsible for the disease. It is clinically characterized by Avipaka(indigestion), Tikta-Amlodgara (erectations with bitter and sour taste), Utklesha (nausea), Hritkanta daha (burning sensation in the chest and throat).While describing the prognosis of amlapitta, madhavakara mentions that it can be cured easily if treated early with proper pathya-apathya. Amlapitta is an amashayotta vyadhi and as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts vamana is indicated in disease arising from amashaya. In amlapitta pitta and kapha are responsible for the manifestation of the disease and virechana is the ideal procedure to eliminate pitta.
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