A. Kbirou*, M. Rkik, A. Ettanji, Y. Fadel, M. Modeste, H. Lachhab, Y. Daghdagh, Saleh, M. Dakir, A. Debbagh, R. Aboutaib
Paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare non germ cell tumour of scrotal sac in children and young adult/teens which can invade testis at presentation. Embryonal variant is the most common type. 40% cases can have metastasis to retroperitoneal lymph node. Diagnosis can be done on high degree of clinical suspicion coupled with biopsy and immunohistochemistry. Multimodality approach of treatment is often beneficial for patients. Here we report a case of 17-year old boy with right paratesticular solid mass. Ultrasound revealed vascular paratesticular mass separated from the testis. Right Inguinal orchiectomy was done. Histopathology revealed Rhabdomyosarcoma paratesticular. Abdominal ultrasound and CT show retroperitoneal lymph node mass. The patient was treated with chemotherapy et reoperted for lymphadenectomy but died after 4 months.
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