World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)
ISSN 2455-3301

ICV : 78.6

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Veera Venkata Durga Prasad M*, Hegde Prakash L and Harini A


Panchakarma is one of the important branches of ayurveda which deals mainly with purification of provocated doshas (physiological or pathological) from the body. These doshas (toxins & waste material) should be purified from natural as well as nearest root of the body. In the management of the disese the fundamental principles of the ayurveda is samshodhana (purification) samshamana (pacify) and nidhana parivarjana (avoid causative factors). Here in this article the aim is to highlight the importance of the basti and its pharmaco-dynamics and to remove the wrong notion among the people that this therapy is not only useful in vata vyadhies, but it is very important therapy in almost all diseases in fact at every stage of the disease. To eradicate the diseases completely and to enhance non-specific immunity against all diseases the purifactory procedures play an important role. In many chronic as well as in acute conditions this basti therapy has established quick and spontaneous results. This panchakarma therapies can be given not only for morbid conditions but also for the swastha as it acts as a rasayana and vajikarana in some cases.

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