Dr. Ann Ambitia*, Dr. Resmi R., Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Srivastava, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Manglesh, Dr. Dalip Kumar Sharma
Musculoskeletal Disorders or MSDs are injuries & disorders that affect the human body?s movement or musculoskeletal system. MSDs constitute a problem of great public health importance & are substantial as about half of the adult population is reported to experience some sort of MS symptoms. However it is a preventable disease. MSDs have multiple risk factors; occupational and non- occupational. It can be broken up into 2 categories: work related/ Ergonomic (force, repetition, posture) & individual related risk factors (poor - work practices, fitness, health habits). Overtime exposure to risk factors leads to MSD. In Ayurveda, MSDs can be included under the broad spectrum of Vata vyadhi & diseases of Asthi- Majjavaha srotas. Concept of Avarana vata can also be made in to account. The dosha involved, predominantly is Vata dosha and dhatu kshaya & srotorodha are said to be the main aggravating factors. According to Acharya Charaka, the predisposing/ etiological factors responsible for Vata vyadhi are Ativicheshtana (excessive movements), Dhatu kshaya, Chinta, Shoka, Dukha sayyasana (improper postures of sitting and lying), Ama, Abhighata, Ruksha sita anna etc. These are directly related with the modern concept on risk factors of MSDs particularly work related MSD. In this modern era, life style is changed drastically which in turn developed risk factors like obesity, sedentary habits etc. In obese persons (Atisthaulya); Bodily movements are impaired due to Shaithilya (looseness), Saukumarya (tenderness), and Gurutva (heaviness) of meda. Daurbalya due to asamatva of dhatus, makes them Vyayama asaha (intolerable to exercise) [Acharya Charaka]. So the risk factors play an important role in pathology of the disease. Attempt undertaken is to portray and collaborate the modern life style risk factors of MSDs along with which are said in Ayurvedic literature, in a view that its further knowledge can prevent this health hazard.
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