Dr. Sandeep Malik and Dr. Jagdish Mohan Onkar*
It is also called Rosery Pea. Rosary plant is known for containing a toxic substance „abrin?. The common symptoms of its toxicity include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and trouble breathing. In some cases, it can also cause anuria (anuresis) and heart disease. The unwise use of any part of Rosary plant can lead to several side effects. Therefore, Rosary pears are not used in the raw form in ayurveda and traditional medicine. It is processed to detoxify and to eliminate its toxic effects. The purified (detoxified) Rosary peas exert stimulatory and strengthening actions on nerves. Due to this action, it is used to treat paralysis; However, it acts as a sedative when used in the high dosage. The rosary peas also have aphrodisiac action. Detoxified rosary seeds are dried and then ground to make a course powder. The course powder is then used to boil in milk. This milk is filtered and advised to drink for improving erection, stamina and performance. Leaves and roots of the rosary plant act as antitussive and soothe the throat similarly like Mulethi. Therefore, rosary roots and leaves are beneficial in the treatment of a cough.
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