Kayalvizhi S.*, Samroothul Parveen I. and Saravanan A. S.
Background: Gandhga chendhooram is the one of the valuable herbo-mineral formulation in Siddha literature. It used to treat various conditions like PCOS. Physicochemical and biochemical characterization of GC is evaluated scientifically and documented. Aim: The present study deals with the safety and efficacy of GC were validated through physicochemical and biochemical analysis. Materials and Methods: Gandhga chendhooram was analyzed by various methods, like Anti-microbial load, physicochemical parameters and Biochemical analysis. Result: In microbial load analysis of GC shows 10-4 dilution is 1 and in 10-6 dilution is 5. Total fungal load in 10-2 dilution is nil and in 10-3 dilution is nil. Results of physicochemical analysis shows specific gravity – 0.976, pH – 6.28, LOD- less than 1%, Total ash value- 96.8% which ensure the purity and efficacy of GC. And biochemical analysis results shows presence of magnesium, iron and sulphate which increase the therapeutic effect of GC.
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