World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Rashmi Tiwari* and Sunita Temhuna


Ayurveda is the science which mentioned various principles for prevention and treatment of diseases. It is the science which laid emphasis on the preventive aspect. Dincharya (daily regimen) is one of the principles mentioned in Ayurveda in context to prevention. In today?s scenario, the daily routine of each individual has become so busy and hectic, that many of the non–communicable diseases (lifestyle disorders) have taken the form of epidemic in current era. Ideal health means positive and perfect health and not merely an absence of disease. The criteria of ideal health are sound physical health and the best mood of sense, mind and soul. Health is a dynamic and constantly changing state. Health is the best root factor in achieving. Dharma (attain pious acts), Artha (wealth), Kama (desire) and Moksha (salvation). Ayurveda offers several measures related to restoration of health which includes Dincharya, Ritucharya, Achara Rasayana and Sadvrata. The Dincharya, which literary means daily routine is considered as best preventive measure in Ayurveda. The Dincharya includes all aspects of regimen and diet, to stay healthy and happy. A particular lifestyle of person is a collective product of his/her physical capacity coordinated with psychological functioning displayed in the form of habits, behaviours, dietary and living pattern based on his own training sought from childhood and also gained from his immediate companions including parents, siblings etc. Now a day, a sedentary life style, faulty dietary habits, lack of exercise are the main cause for metabolic imbalances which leads group of diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, obesity etc. and making them one of the leading causes of death. Ayurvedic texts explains various fundamental principles aimed at preventing occurrences of diseases and to promote a healthy life, for these prevention aspects Dincharya is used to adoptvin daily routine by people which can improve the quality of life and maintenance of good health. Dincharya; Din means daily and charya mean activity or regimen is necessary for maintaining a healthy body, mind, spirit which is useful to establish balanced constitution, aid in digestion and absorption, leads to peace, happiness. Ayurvada described a wholesome daily routine or day to day conduct (Din-charya) as not only prophylactic, but conductive to four Purusharthas.

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