Dr. Ranjna Kapoor*, Dr. Navneet Vaidya and Dr. Rashmi Srivastva
Ayurveda is an ancient science and it holds high esteem and trust in the field of medication and treatment of various diseases. Over the past decade, Ayurvedic drugs have become a subject of world importance, with both medicinal and economical implications. These Ayurvedic drugs are obtained from different kind of sources like some from plants, some from animals etc. Acharayas have been described on the basis of the useful parts of Dravyas obtained from what kind of sources i.e. (1) Audbhida- the plant origin- Drugs of this origin are about 75%. Ex. Root, stem, rhizome, fruit, seed, leaves, bark, etc. (2) Jangma- animal origin- Drugs of this origin are about 10%. Ex. Musk, honey, milk , ghee , curd, etc. (3) Parthiva - Mineral origin- Drugs of this origin are about 15%. Ex. Abhrak, Parada, Hartal, Gandhaka, etc. All these types of Dravyas are commonly used in therapeutics. The various parts of plants are used to prepare medicaments. The different parts of the same plant will have different actions. Therefore, the study and understanding of different parts of the plant should be given importance. In the medicinal plants, the secondary metabolites or active principle are made available through proper part which get used and the specific period of collection as our Acharyas have been already described very beautifully and are also proven by modern scientific methods. To attain a good therapeutic result it is mandatory to collect the drug with optimum Rasaveeryadi qualities. In Ayurvedic literature, drug collection has been mentioned according to different parts of the plant in respective seasons, Nakshatras, Veeryas on the basis of therapeutic uses.
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