World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Pharmaceutical and Medical Research and Technology
An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)
ISSN 2455-3301

ICV : 78.6

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Dr. Priyanka R. M.*, Dr. Tongbram Soni Devi, Dr. P. Karkuzhali


Benign follicular tumours comprise a large and heterogeneous group of neoplasms that share a common histogenesis and display morphological features resembling one or several portions of the normal hair follicle,or recapitulate part of its embryological development. Most cases present it as clinically nondescript single lesions and essentially of dermatological relevance. Occasionally, however, these lesions be multiple and represent a cutaneous marker of complex syndromes associated with an increased risk of visceral neoplasms. In this article,the authors present the main clinicopathological features and differential diagnosis of benign follicular tumours including pilomatricoma, trichofolliculoma, trichoblastoma and trichilemmal cyst are studied. A clinicopathological study of benign hair follicle tumours in our institution (SBMCH)with respect to age,sex,incidence, size & histopathology. Although the diagnosis of follicular tumours relies on histological examination, we highlight the importance of their knowledge for the clinician, especially when in presence of patients with multiple lesions that may be the cutaneous marker of a cancer-prone syndrome. The dermatologist is therefore in a privileged position to recognize these lesions which is extremely important to provide further propaedeutic, appropriate referral and genetic counseling for these patients.

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