*Vd. Priyanka Marotrao Thakare and Vd. S. V. Suryavanshi Guide
Skin is the largest organ of the body and act as barrier between the internal tissue and environment. It protects the internal tissue from the various types of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Now days more importance is given to the healthy state of an individual skin care because it has cosmetic value. In the Ayurveda text all skin diseases were included under the Kustharoga. Sidhma is Vatkaphaj type of Kustha and greater resembles with Psoriasis. Psoriasis is one of the most common clinical conditions encountered in clinical practice. Due to cosmetic disfigurement it needs a potent treatment option, which will not give symptomatic relief but cure from roots of disease. As modern medicine has many adverse reaction and cannot be given for long term so its today’s need to find effective drug for Psoriasis as it has negative psychological impact on patient’s mindset. Selected Panchakarma procedures along with Ayurvedic drugs have been proved valuable in these manifestation. Here a case of 30 yrs. old female patient presented with symptoms of Vatkaphaj kustha, which was treated for 45 days with combination of Panchakarma procedures and selected Ayurvedic drugs The condition was diagnosed as Vatkaphaj Kustha(Sidhma) and was treated with Pachan, Virechan and then Shaman drugs. Patient’s condition was assessed before and after treatment.
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