Dr. Priyanka*, Dr. Yogesh Jakhar, Dr. Jagmeet Kaur and Dr. Anupam Pathak
Ritu, the season, classified by different features shows different effects on the body as well as the environment. Ayurveda has various rules and regimens (Charya), regarding diet and behavior. Ritu means season and charya means following or discipline. Ritucharya in simple words means seasonal routine, the lifestyle and diet that need to be followed according to the particular seasonal requirement to maintain hormonal balance in our body and to be fit and healthy. The main principle of Ayurvedic system of medicine is preventive aspect, can be achieved by following ritucharya. This is a very important aspect of preventive medicine as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. In this review article, various ritus and ritucharya,[1] mentioned in the classics of Ayurveda has been discussed.
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