Dr. Shivani Rana*, Dr. Deepak Pathania, Dr. Ankush Jagota, Dr. Umesh Shukla, Dr. Rajika Gupta and Prof. T. C. Thakur
Health is a state of complete physical, mental & social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity among the pupils. Ayurveda indicate prevention and health promotion, and provides treatment for disease. Its main objective is to achieve desirable health and well-being through a comprehensive approach that addresses mind, body, behavior, and environment. It is the science of preventing diseases, prolonging life, and promoting health under the Swasthavritta. Children between the ages of 5-17 years are school age children. About 30 percent of the population is comprised of this age group. It is a period of rapid growth and development of the children. Children in school age are prone to get specific health problems. To prevent the disease and promote the health of school age children, Swasthavritta plays an important role. Various regimens i.e. Daily regimen (Dincharya), seasonal regimen (Ritucharya), Sandhyacharya (Evening regimen), Ratricharya (Night regimen), and Aahara (Dietary habits) and Vihara (lifestyle), Sadvritta (Ideal routines) and Achara Rasayana etc. is given which are very helpful to an individual for healthy life and prevention of diseases. So an attempt has been taken to prevent the diseases among the school going children and promote their health by intervening the Swasthavritta in their life through this paper.
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