World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Dr. Madhu Parihar*, Dr. Ritu Kapoor, Dr. Manoj Adlakha and Dr. Savitha P. K.


Ayurveda has considered “Jara ? or “Vardhakya? as a natural and inexorable process or “Swabhavaja Vyadhi? (Natural diseases). Acharya Sushruta in Adhidaivika Vyadhi mentioned Svabhava Balapravritta Vyadhis, which include Kshudha (Hunger), Pipasa (Thrist), Nidra (Sleep), Jara (Ageing) and Mrityu (Death). Jara is of two types viz. “Kalaja-Jara? (Natural ageing) and “Akalaja-Jara? (Premature ageing). Kalaja is a natural phenomenon. Akalaja is a condition where you look older than your actual age. Presently it is most common problem and many factors are responsible for it. Akalaja Jara is affected by Aharatmak Hetus (Junk food, Consumption of pesticides etc.), Viharatmaka Hetu (Divaswapna, Ativyavaya etc.), Manasika Hetu (Bhaya, Krodha, Shoka etc). All these factors causes Akalaja Jara as they causes Mandagni responsible for Srothoavarodh (Obstruction of channel) and Vata Prakopa, affecting the Dhatu Poshana process. To reverse the symptoms of Akalaja Jara, Eranda Taila is indicated. In Sutrasthana 45/114 Acharya Sushruta has mentioned Eranda Taila useful in Vyah Sthapanam’ and is known for its anti-ageing and rejuvenation action. Full description regarding the action of Eranda Taila on ageing will be discussed in the full paper.

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