Karishma Bilade* and Madhuri Bhalgat
Ayurveda is an ancient science which deals with natural good health, disease free life of person. Ayurveda is one of the special human sciences on the earth for benefits of all persons. Now a days, most of women go through physical and psychological stress she don’t have enough time for her personal hygiene so women prone to the disease like Yoniroga. Number of patients having symptoms like Yonigatstrava, Yonikandu and Yonivedana are seen in day to day practise. For the treatment of Kaphaja Yonivyapda Stanikchikitasa like Yonidhavan, Yonidhupan, Vartidharan, Yonipuran, Yoniprakshalan describe in Sanhita. Out of this Yonidhavan found effective in Kaphaj Yonivyapada. Yonidhavan means cleaning or purification of yoni. Dravya used for dhavana does there work through Rasa, Virya, Vipaka Guna and reduces Sthandushti by dosh prakopa. Here effort has been put forth to make conceptual study of Yonidhavan Karma in Kaphaj Yonivyapda. Samanya, Vishesh Hetu, Sanprapti, Lakshan, Chikitsa of Kaphaj Yonivyapda with Yonidhavan karma are describe below.
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