Dixit Megha*, Mishra Pramod Kumar and Sharma Brahmanand
High blood pressure, according to WHO-ISH guidelines, includes both ‘hypertension’ [defined as 140/90 mm of hg or above] and „high normal’ [between 130/85 mm of hg and 140/90 mm of hg] blood pressure. The WHO-ISH guidelines class „optimal blood pressure’ as less than 120/80 mm of hg while ‘normal blood pressure’ is classed as less than 130/85 mm of hg. Its prevalence varies amongst countries and sub-populations, but now-a-days, hypertension is effecting the population globally. Hypertension is a very strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease has increased at least two fold due to hypertension [including other risk factors]. Hypertension can be classified into „essential’ and „secondary’ hypertension. In Ayurveda, Vyanavayu is especially responsible for raktaparivahan[blood circulation] in body and Acharya Charak has also mentioned rakta-avrittvatain Aavranaprakaran of Vatavyadhi. Hypertension can de assumed as very close to this clinical entity along with some variations in condition of dosha, agni etc. in body in different patients. According to Ayurveda the line of treatment for rakta-avrittavata is carried out after assessing the predominance of dosha.
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