*Dr. Riyanka Kumari, Dr. Ankush Jagota, Dr. Umesh Shukla, Dr. Rajika Gupta and Prof. T. C. Thakur
Ayurveda aims first at maintaing a healthy body and preventing ailments by adopting a proper, healthy lifestyle. The term longevity is defined as the long life, endurance and prolonged existence. According to the latest WHO data published in 2018, life expectancy in India is: Male 67.4, female: 70.3 and total life expectancy is 68.8 which gives india a world life expectancy ranking of 125. Life style modification involve altering long- time habits, typically of eating or physical activity, and maintain the new behaviour for month or years. If a patient intakes wholesome food then there is no need of medicine and if a patient continuously consumes unwholesome food then also there is no need of medicine as medicine will not be effective. All available classics and commentaries. various publication, text books, research papers , data available on different website. Pathya is defined as the ahara (diet) which is congenial to a person according to his constitution, appetite and digestive capacity of the body. Public policies should put more emphasis on creating healthy food,built,and social environment to support and promote healthy diet and lifestyle.
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