Dr. Nagendra Thakre* and Dr. Praveen Raghuwanshi**
Newborn babies or neonates truly constitute the foundation of human life. They have unique health issues and problems due to structural and functional immaturity of various body organs depending upon their gestational age and birth weight. Care of the newborn is described by both Ayurvedic and Modern texts in detail. In ancient texts, Acharyas gave their opinions on every aspect of the Care of newborn (Navjat Shishu Parichariya) which starts from birth to full stability of newborn. Various procedures were advised the management of newborn child by Acharyas with a few differences in opinion regarding the sequences of those procedures. The procedures involved in the Care of newborn (Navjat Shishu Parichariya) are Pranapratyagamana, Snana, Mukha vishodhan, Pichudharan, Garbhodaka vamana, Nala chedana, Jatakarma, Raksha karma, Suwarna prasana. In modern science newborn care is mentioned in detailed with the use of different instruments and protocol based management.
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