*Dr. Singh Sonu, Dr. Shailendra Kumar Singh and Dr. Avadhesh Kumar
Atisar in modern science closely corelated with watery diarrhoea. Ayurveda describes atisar which means ATI (excessive) and SARANAM (flow) i.e watery stool passes in excessive volume and frequency both. According to mythology Atisar was initially originated due to eating of cow and bulls meat. Due to Guru and ushna guna of COW and Bulls meat they occurs agnidushti. Some mansika Doshas like Bhaya, Shoka etc are develop Atisar. Krimi is an important causative factor of Atisar. In Ayurvedic science main cause of Atisar is agnidushti . Main site of agni is Grahani. It is situated in between amashaya and pakwashaya. In the condition of mandagni digestion of food particle not occurs completely. This leads to formation of Ama. Ama is considerd like toxins or pathogens which is responsible for etiology of all disease. This Ama leads to vitiation of Vata like Saman Vata and Apana Vata dushti. In samyawashtha of Apana Vata is responsible for defication, micturition, and nishkramana of Shukra and Artva. In the case of Atisar (Diarrhoea) the proper diagnosis is very important because actual diagnosisis the key of actual treatment or management. There are two criteria to make out clearcut diagnosis – 1. Clinical 2. Laboratory, Here I am going to explain the above clinical review of atisar (diarrhoea).
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