World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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Dr. Sangram Singh Rajput*, Dr. Shiromani Mishra, Dr. Ravindra Sharma and Dr. Prashant Sharma


Ayurveda is an alternative medicinal science, practiced since ages in India. It considers nature and plants as the main reservoir of health. According to the Dravyaguna branch of Ayurveda, natural and pure form of medicinal plants can be used as drugs for treatment of various diseases. Ayurveda treaties have mentioned various medicinal plants and their benefits in promoting health. One such plant is Gokshuru which belong to the Zygophyllaceae family. It is an herb which is rich in Snigdha Guna, Madhura Rasa Guru and Shita Virya qualities. According to Ayurvedic Acharyas it has Shothahara (anti-inflammatory) as well as Mutrala (diuretic) properties. Gokshuru is used in treating various medical conditions such as kidney diseases, urinary discharges, Vata prakopa, etc. Many pharmacognostical and preliminary phytochemical studies have revealed that the roots are rich in alkaloids, steroids, tannins and fruits are rich in tannin, saponin, steroids, alkaloids and flavonoids. Due to the presence of many bioactive chemical compounds, Gokshuru in placed in the list of Indian pharmacopeia.

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