World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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Shivani Patel*, Tanvi Modi, Bhumi Baraiya, Nisha Ganatra, Umang Kapadiya and Bhakti Chhaya


Mukha is considered as one of the most important part of urdhvajatru, because it works as the reflection of the body health by acting as the gateway of alimentary canal. Due to changing dietary habits and busy life style, prevalence of Mukharoga specially Dantamoolagata- roga increasing day by day, Shitada (gingivitis) is one of them. The prevalence of gingivitis is 80-90% in our country. Currently there are no reliable predictors as to which individual is susceptible to this disease progression. If gingivitis is neglected and left untreated it may progress to another stage of disease periodontitis so prevention and control of gingivitis is essential. Due to Nidana sevan kaphapradhan dosha dushti occurs and then due to continuous nidansevan kapha and Rakta prakopa occur and it results in Shitada, it is characterised by Aksamat raktasrava from dantamoola, daurdhyandhya, mruduta, shiryanmanta and paraspara pachana of Dantamamsa As per Ayurvedic classics, treatment of Shitada include: a) Raktamokshana, b) Gandusha, c) Pratisarana and d) Nasya In Dantamoolagata roga mostly Raktadushti occurs so Raktmokshana is line of treatment. So here, present case study reveals role of Raktamokshana followed by Gandusha and Pralepa which gives beneficial effect in the management of Shitada (gingivitis). Aim: To find out the results of Raktamokshana followed by Triphala kwatha gandusha and Triphala churna with madhu for pralepa in the management of Shitada (gingivitis). Material and Method: A case report of 33 year old female patient presented with the complaint of Dantamoolagata raktasrava, Dantamoolagata sopha and felt bad smell from her mouth so she was treated with Raktamokshana followed by Triphala kwath gandusha and Triphala churna with madhu for Pralepa along with internal medicine. Result: There was significant improvement in symptoms like Dantamoolagata raktasrava, Dantamoolagata sopha etc. Conclusion: This case study on Raktamokshana followed by Triphala kwath Gandusha and Triphala churna with Madhu for Pralepa shows that Shitada can be successfully managed by Ayurvedic treatments.

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