Dr. Ved Parkash Sharma* and Dr. Om Prakash Sharma
Oroxylumindicum (Bignoniaceae), also known as Sonapatha or Shyonaka is commonly used herbal medicinein Ayurvedic system. Roots, leaves and stems of Oroxylumindicum have been used as a single drug or as acomponent of certain compound drug preparations in the Indian Ayurvedic system of medicine for treatmen to fvarious disorders as well as used as atonic and Rasayana drug. It contains flavonoids like chrysine, baicaleinand Oroxylin -A.Various studies indicated that sonapatha possesses anticancer, antioxidant, hepato protective and immune modulatory properties mainly. Variouso there effects like antibacterial, analgesic and gastro-protective properties of sonapatha have also been reported. It is a tree that is found generally in damp region. In the present review an attempt thasbeen made to compile and critically analyse various published reportson Oroxylumindicum A
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