*Dr. Vivek Shrirampanth Chandurkar and Dr. Arti Nitinkumar Modase
Ayurveda described pandu roga, pandu means pallor. It is a disease characterized by pallor, palpitation, giddiness, tinnitus etc. symptoms which can be correlate to anemia in modern science. Anemia is common micronutrients disease affects health status of very large population of whole world. It is a most common disorder and iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia. The disease cause mild. Moderate or even severe degree of morbidity and rarely mortality. Pandu roga is Pitta Pradhan vyadhi associated with rasa and rakta dhatu. Rakta has been considered as a key factor for the Jeevan, prinana, dharana and poshana karma of body. Rakta is vitiated due to doshas mainly by pitta dosha which further causes pandu roga. There is dramatic change of food and lifestyle in the present era. Individual are subjected to enormous amount of stress and strain thereby causing a deleterious effect on quality of life. Pandu is one among the disease which is explained in all Samhitas. Our faulty dietary habits and lifestyles produces ama which causes agnimandya which further produce aamayukta aaharras. It hampers production of prakrut ras dhatu and develops pandu roga. So prakrut ras and rakta dhatus are necessary to cure the pandu roga which can be achieve by taking proper diet. The detailed knowledge of apathya and pathya aahar explained in above article.
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