World Journal of Pharmaceutical
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*Dr. Mamta and Dr. Sarika Srivastava


Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is one of the most important cause of menorrhagia which is synonymous to Asrigdara in Ayurveda. Normal menstruation denotes the healthy state of female reproductive system. Menses lasting longer than 7 days or exceeding 80 ml of blood loss is considered as menorrhagia. DUB is major health problem in the world due to alteration of food habbits dynamic and busy lifestyle of females. DUB is most common gynaecological problem found in prasuti tantra OPD. DUB is termed as Asrigdara means excessive discharge of blood per vaginum. Backache pain in lower abdomen and weakness are also present in this disease. All the gynaecological disorders comes under the heading of yonivyapadas in ayurvedic classics. Most of yonivyapad have characterstics features of DUB such as Raktayoni, Rudhirkashara, Putraghani, Apraja etc. Among Astha-Artvadushti raktaja artava dushti Asrigdara is mainly due to vitiation of vatta and pitta dosha hence treatment should be based on use of drugs which are having property of kashaya rasa and pitta shamak. Kashaya rasa is known as best astringent. And because of this property kashaya rasa play important role in relieving bleeding discharges due to its stambhana action. There is lose of blood so drugs and diet which increase the Rakta dhatu in body are also effective. Therefore, treatment mainly based on concept of Raktasthambhaka as well as raktvardhaka.

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