*Dr. J P Chaudhary, Dr. Kavita and Dr. Anupam Pathak
Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical science among the world. It describes the conceptual study of different disease with reference to its own principles and approaches. According, to the Ayurveda „sthoulya? is described by different acharya?s in their own way and charakacharya has described sthoulya among the „ashtaninditiyapurusha?, „santarpanjanyarogas?. Obesity is the most common metabolic disorder found in the recent years. Commonly the obesity due to lack of exercise and excessive intake of fatty foods. Madhavnidankar, charakacarya and other samhitakaras comment on sthoulya that this disorder is caused due to „medodhatavagnimandya?. So depending upon the told factors therapy and treatments should be carried out. So looking upon the importance of this disorder the selected articleis presented.
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