Dr. Arun Kumar*, Dr. Abhishek Gupta and Dr. Prabal Dixit
Medicated oil / ghee is one of the big dosing forms generally referred to in Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals. Four forms of snehas (fatty preparation) are described in Ayurvedic literature. These are Ghrita, Taha, Vasa, and Majja. Among these taila (mediciated oil) and ghrita (mediciated ghee) are more popular in therapeutic uses. Taila Murchhana is the first phase of tail planning. This procedure has been introduced to improve the effectiveness of oil and eliminate poor odor and amadosa. Analysis reveals that the Murchana cycle decreases the amount of acid and raises the importance of saponification. Reduced acid content suggests a reduced proportion of free fatty acids and an improved saponification content implies a higher concentration of low molecular fatty acids. Medicated oils containing low molecular fatty acids are consumed rapidly. The fat / water soluble active principles of medicines are extracted into medicinal oil through this process. Medicated Taila has greater healing strength and shelf life than synthetic Taila. Tail-prepared formulations improve the body's health, appearance, power and anabolism. Water soluble as well as fat soluble active ingredients can be converted into a Taila medium and this introduction of material properties allows Taila strong and efficient.
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