*Dr. Monika Rasotra, Dr. Vivek Lohan, Dr. Azara Qureshi and Dr. Riyanka Kumari
As we all know that all types of skin disorders comes under Kustha in Ayurveda and are Tridoshaj in nature. Shvitra is mentioned along with other types of Kustha in Ayurvedic Classics, caused due to all three Doshas and Dhatus like Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa and Meda. Tridoshas are aggravated by various dietic and behavioral factors. Shvitra is correlated by Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a common, autoimmune, progressive, pigmentation skin disorder, characterized by white depigmented macules and patches. Vitiligo inspite of its non-contagious, harmless nature makes life woeful for its produces profound psychological embracement. According to our classics, Shvitra can be treated by both therapies (Shodhana and Shamana therapy).
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