Dr. Azara Qureshi*, Dr. Monika Rasotra, Dr. Riyanka Kumari and Dr. Vivek Lohan
Ayurveda is a traditional medical science. In our Samhita, Kamala Vyadhi is briefly described. Kamala is a Pittaj Nantmaja as well as Raktapradoshaja Vyadhi. Kamala is also considered as a purely Paittik Roga caused by Rakta Dushti due to vitiated Pitta and vice-versa. In Charak Samhita, Kamala has been considered as an advance stage of Pandu, whereas in Susruta Samhita it has been considered as a complication of Pandu Roga as well as an independent disease entity. On the basis of similarity in clinical symptomatology, it can be correlated with jaundice in modern medical science. Modern science has limitations in treating Kamala Vyadhi (jaundice) but Ayurvedic literature clearly explained pathology and treatment of Kamala Vyadhi which shows the specificity of Ayurveda. Aim and Objective: To review the Nidanpanchak, Ayurvedic management of Kamala Vyadhi. To review the Pathyapathya mentioned in Kamala Vyadhi. Methodology: Text will be collected from Ayurvedic Samhitas, different websites and journals will be referred. Result: Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa are effective in the management of Kamala. Discussion: In Ayurveda Nidana Parivarjana Shamana, Shodhana are the way to treat any disease hence in Kamala we should really examine causative factors and then give Shamana and Shodhana Chikitsa.
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