World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Pharmaceutical and Medical Research and Technology
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*Shivani Koul, Dr. Khem Chand Sharma and Dr. Chinky Goyal


In the present era, Infectious diseases are leading causes of illness and death. The world is currently witnessing a dramatic disruption of everyday life owing to rapid progression of COVID-19 disease. Hence, huge emphasis is being given on immunomodulatory effect of drugs which could enhance the immune system and eventually combat the disease or infection by modulating the immune response. A significant part of Ayurvedic therapeutics aims at prevention of diseases. This is the concept of vyadhikshamatva or immunity. Immunity can be defined as the body?s ability to identify and resist large numbers of infectious and potentially harmful microorganisms. An immunomodulator is a substance, biological or synthetic, which can stimulate (immunostimulants), suppress (immunosuppressors) or modulate any of the components of immune system. Many synthetic immunomodulators are in use but they have potential side effects like nausea, mood alterations, arthralgia, etc. Hence there is a need for safe and potent herbal formulation. In ancient ayurvedic texts concept „Rasayana? (drugs reputed to enhance body resistance) and various indigenous plants and formulations with immunomodulatory effect has been mentioned. One such Rasayana formulation is „Punarnavadi Ghrita?. It is a polyherbal formulation consisting of Punarnava, Yashtimadhu, Godughda and Goghrita. This formulation is said to increase „ojas? in the body. According to Ayurveda, ojas is an essence present in every dhatu (tissue)and is considered as sara of all the seven dhatus starting from Rasa to Shukra and is responsible for the strength, vitality and immunity of the body. Various researches have been done in recent times which has further validated the immunostimulatory activity of the four constituents of the ghrita.

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