*Dr. Preeti, Dr. Diksha Sharma and Dr. Arpita Sharma
Ayurveda has unique Pharmaceutical techniques for preparation of medicine and dispensing which are extremely scientific and practical even in the modern era. Rasa-Shastra is the branch of Ayurveda which is the pharmaceutico-therapeutic in its approach. It encodes the extremely important unique procedures of Shodhana, Maranaetc. of metal, mineral and other compounds. Besides this it has the uniqueness in its dispensing techniques which are individualistic in their approach with regards to the patients as well as the disease condition.The principles of Pharmaceutics in the text of Rasa-Shastra are highly esteemed even today and are still in enigma to the modern pharmaceutical chemistry. Evolution of specific procedures as Shodhana, Marana, Bhavanaand Kupipakva preparation emphasize the conversion of metals, minerals and other group of drugs into herbomineralpreparation which are easy to administer and are easily assimilable, highly effective and non-toxic forms.In the present study SwarnaVanga was prepared by three different methods mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics in the Charaka Govt Ayurvedic Pharmacy and P.G. Deptt. ofRasa-Shastra&BhaishjyaKalpana, R.G.G.P.G. Ayurvedic College Paprola. Total nine batches of SwarnaVangawere prepared, 3-3 batches of each three methods. According to this reference we tried to see the difference in SwarnaVangaprepared with different ratios of ingredients mentioned by different Ayurvedic classics.
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