F. Amqrane*, Z. Bennani, M. Krioul, H. Souradi, S. Bargach and M. Youssfi
We present the case of a 20-year-old woman, without any particular pathological history, who consulted for a secondary amenorrhea of 6 months and in whom the clinical examination found an abdominal-pelvic mass, The biological workup, in particular hormonal, and the chest X-ray were without abnormalities. Macroscopically, the tumor had a cystic component with necrotic fibrosis. Anatomopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of Sertoli-Leydig tumor. The diagnosis of Sertoli-Leydig tumor was made. It is a rare tumor, representing less than 0.5% of all ovarian tumors. Well-differentiated forms are uncommon. In one third of cases, they are clinically expressed by hypervirilization, and imaging will be used to orient the diagnosis and especially to make the extension assessment. There are several histological subforms. The management is not codified, each center having its own practices. This is a tumour with a relatively good prognosis due to its early diagnosis with a lesion still limited to the ovary.
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