*Dr. Smita Vinod Zambare and Mr. Milind Sardar
Oral dental diseases are emerging as considerable public health problems in India. To maintain good and proper health our great Aacharyas have given guidance of Dinacharya Upakrama in Swasthvritta. In Ayurdeva, dental health or Dantaswasthya is very individualistic and varies with each person?s constitution (prakriti). In India, using chewing sticks has been mentioned in ancient Ayurvada texts. It is believed that Dantadhavan drugs facilitate salivary secretion and possible help in plaque control, while some stems have an anti-bacterial action. Present day research has shown that all drugs described in Ayurveda have medicinal, anti-bacterial and anti-caries properties. Furthermore, Oral Hygiene methods are also mentioned as a part of Dincharya, the role of which is needed to be expressed in proper way to reduce prevalence and risk factors of the diseases of Mukha Rogas, upon which the entire oral health as well as general health and hygiene revolves. In the Modern era, fast moving hectic lifestyle is creating many health problems. Improper eating habits like junk food, fast food, ice – creams, sweets, chocolates and addictions like tobacco, gutakha, smoking and alcohol consumption, oral unhygienic problems are arising progressively.
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