Vd Varsha Gogate*, Vd Pradip Yadarao Randive and Vd Sneha Tiwari
Osteoarthritis, commonly known as degenerative joint disease, is a condition in which the diarthrodial joint fails. It is the most common joint disease of humans characterized by breakdown of joint cartilage. It is produced by mechanical stress on the joints and manifests as joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and other symptoms. Among elderly, knee osteoarthritis is the leading cause of chronic disability. When compared to males, the prevalence of this condition rises with age and is higher in females (25%) than in males (16%). In Allopath, huge range of treatment such as Analgesics, Anti-inflammatory, Muscle relaxant, Calcium and Vitamin-D Supplements and Steroids along with Physiotherapy are available but, have limited prognosis due to untoward effects after prolong use. This leaves a substantial space for Ayurvedic treatment which can cope-up with the sign and symptom of degenerative Knee osteoarthritis. This disease can be co-related with Janu Sandhigata Vata due to resemblance in sign and symptoms of Sandhigata Vata such as Sandhi Shula, Shotha, Stambha, etc. at the affected joints. Ayurveda offers various treatment alternatives for Sandhigat Vata such as panchkarma modalities Snehana, Swedana, Basti, Sthaniklepa, Raktamokshan, Agnikarma etc. Adjuvant to Vatakaphashamak (Vata-Kapha pacifier) and Dhatuvardhan herbal medicines for palliative care. Further, in Sushruta Samhita, bloodletting by means of Leech has been advocated in the inflamatory condition like sandhigata vata.
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