Dr. Alok Kumar Upadhyay*, Dr. Ramnihor Tapsi Jaiswal and Dr. Manohar Ram
Introduction: The world population of the elderly is growing significantly and by the year 2050, adults older than 65 years will comprise 1/5th of the global population. Changes with age are irreversible, universal, intrinsic, progressive and deleterious. The elderly most frequently suffered from cardiovascular disease, dementia, cancers etc. Material and method: This is a reviewed article based on ayurvedic texts that is used in this study as well Samhita Granth. Result: Branch of Ayurveda and its prophylaxis therapies are helpful in preventing ill effects of ageing and aid longevity, improved harmony and intelligence, disease free youthful vigor with optimum strength of physique. Discussion and conclusion: Rasayana are primarily of promotive value and are essentially meant to rejuvenate the body and mind to impart longevity against ageing and immunity against disease. Rasayana Dravyas are rich in antioxidants which removes free radical from body. Free radicals in body produces progressive damage to body tissue and play important role in developing many disease like cardiovascular disease, neurogenerative disorders etc. Rasayana revitalizes and rejuvenates functional dynamics of body systems.it promotes good quality body tissues. Hence as an antioxidant activity, the Rasayana karma must be taken into account.
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