World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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Dr. Sulochana B.*


Ayurveda is a Science of medicine which is based upon Tridoshas, Sapta Dhatus and Trimalas. Concept of dosha has been around for as long as ancients have been practicing Ayurveda from Charaka –Hippocrates, all have practiced the system on the basis of tri-dosha and panchamahabhuta theory. Tri-doshas are basic elements of the body, mean while Rakta also a major constituent of the body. Acharyas also mentioned that along with three Doshas Rakta, the 4th Dosha present even during the origin, existence & destruction of the body. Now, this becomes the debatable topic for whole Ayurveda scholars, because Rakta is basically considered as one among Sapta Dhatus. So whether we can accept Rakta as Chaturtha Dosha or it is only one among the Sapta Dhatus. So, here attempt is made to discuss the possible points for the same.

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