Dr. Aditi*, Dr. Prashanna Nepal and Dr. Rajika Gupta
According to Ayurveda, Samvatsara i.e a period of one year is divided into two parts namely Uttarayana and Dakshinayana or Aadana Kaala and Visarga Kaala respectively. Ayurvedic texts describe a particular pattern of rhythm of three Dosha in relation to six seasons and with these seasonal variations, the change is very evident in the environment as well as body. If body is unable to adapt itself to stressors due to changes in specific traits of seasons, it may lead to Dosha Vaishamya, which in turn may render the body highly susceptible to one or other kinds of disorders. Thus, there is a great need of care of these rhythmic seasonal variations by adhering to appropriate diet and lifestyle. Proper adjustment of diet and lifestyle according to chronobiological changes occurring over the six seasons may help an individual to protect oneself from exaggerated Tridoshika variations. Hemanta Ritu as explained by all Acharya comes under Visarga Kaala in which Bala and Agni are in increasing strengths. Therefore, this article focuses on appropriate Dincharya to be followed in this Ritu to keep all Dosha in balance in the body.
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