Rimple, Manoj Kumar Katual*, Rajesh Kumar, Amj Newton, Reeta, S.L.Harikumar
Green Blood Therapy is the use of Wheat Grass Juice (WGJ) to cure multiple diseases. Wheat grass is called as the green blood. Therefore wheat grass like all green plants, due to a high content of chlorophyll is high in oxygen too. The brain and all body tissues function at optimal levels only in a highly-oxygenated environment. It’s the chlorophyll, most wheatgrass advocates claim, that detoxifies the body, strengthens immunity and improves the micro-flora ecology of the digestive tract. The benefits of chlorophyll known till date are numerous like the basis of all plant life, is a blood builder, oxygenates the blood, is anti bacterial in nature, has healing properties, neutralizes toxins in the body, Is alkalinizing in nature, improves blood sugar problems .Chlorophyll also called as concentrated sun power positively impacts the function of the heart, the vascular system, the intestines, the uterus and the lungs. Nature uses chlorophyll in wheatgrass as a body cleanser, re-builder and neutralizer of toxins. The pH value of human blood and Wheatgrass both is about 7 (alkaline) and wheat grass is therefore quickly absorbed in the blood and is highly beneficial. Most wonder effects exerted by wheat grass can mainly be attributed to the benefits of chlorophyll. Despite the above postulated benefits of chlorophyll, some researchers present a slightly different school of thought. Chlorophyll being the ultimate compound behind the healing properties of wheat grass. Although chlorophyll is essential for keeping us all breathing, it has little if any physiological or positive effect on human health. The benefits of wheatgrass are largely biological (cancer prevention, detoxification and healing), not nutritional as most purveyors of wheatgrass in its various forms would have one believe. Irrespective of two different findings, whether it’s the chlorophyll or the wheat grass, consuming the juice daily still remains the wisest choice for preserving health. With all the extensive research and experiences shared by health experts wheat grass undoubtedly is a super food.
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