*Dr. Dharam Chand, Dr. Deena Nath Singh, Dr. Shweta Mishra and Dr. Sanjay Prakash
In the field of ayurveda Malnutrition is mentioned under Apatarpanajanya vyadhis, on the basis of severity malnutrition may be considered as Karshya, Phakka, Parigarbhika and Balashosha. For the management of malnutrition Ayurveda Principal play an important role in child as well as mother. According to (Su.Su.5/29) Aahar in children grouped as Chhirapa, Chhirannada, and anada. Fala prashana, anaprashana,( and mother milk,in the absence of mother milk cow milk is preferred (Su.Sa.10/48). According to Vridhya Charakya Anna-Pistha-Dugdha-Mansa-Ghrit provides 10 Times more energy in increasing orders. According to IMCR Milk, Pulses, Meat, Fruit, green leafy vegetables, Others Vegetables, Cereals, Starchy Vegetables, Fats and Oils are comes under Aahar Varga. The main contents of aahar is Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, Water, Minerals and vitamins. By the deficiency of these constituents in our food may cause the malnutrition in child as well as in mother. More than 25% of the world's hungry people reside in India. Since 1990, children have made small advances, while the proportion of the population that are hungry has grown. In India, 44% of children under the age of five are underweight. 72% of infants and 52% of married women have anemia. Poverty is also cause of malnutrition in world’s 2nd largest population.15% of all diseases that affect India are brought on by the scourge of maternal and child malnutrition. In the fourth round of the NFHS, which was conducted in 2015-2016, the prevalence of underweight35.7%, stunted38.4%, and wasted children21% under the age of five. To decrease the level of malnutrition among children and mother Govt. of India running so many nutritional deficiency programs. In the field of Ayurveda management of malnutrition can be cured by the help of Aptarpan chikitsa, pathya Apatha aahar sevana in our daily routine.
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