Dr. Bhargav D. Mehta*, Dr. Sunil Changle and Dr. Swapnil Rasker
Newborn care in Ayurved includes Pranapratyagamana or resuscitationof baby which adds striking two stones, sprinklingwater, cleaning of oral cavity, putting cloth soaked in oil, giving madhu andghrita for licking. Acharya Vagbhata has mentioned features of asphyxiated baby. After that cutting and care of umbilical cord is mentioned. Later Acharyas mentioned general nursing care of newborn includes bath, feeding ( nutrition and fluid intake), clothing, maintenance of body temperature and protection from infections or Rakshakarma. For feeding Acharyas have given schedule for first 4 days, as most of the mothers do not have sufficient milk secretion. Also Acharyas have mentioned special decoctions as per different dosha for bath. In modern sciencenewborn care is mentioned in detailed with the use of different instruments and protocol based management. Either Ayurveda or modern newborn cares both are expaliend for the easy adaptation of baby after birth in outer environment without any complication so that newborn mortality as well as morbidity.
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