World Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Medical Research

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An International Peer Reviewed Journal for Pharmaceutical and Medical Research and Technology
An Official Publication of Society for Advance Healthcare Research (Reg. No. : 01/01/01/31674/16)
ISSN 2455-3301

ICV : 78.6

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*Dr. Sunita and Dr. Anjana Saxena


Life style of present day’s women is very stressful, unhealthy and unhygienic due to unawareness, hectic and fast running Schedule. So infertility is emerging as one of the major disorder affecting the social and psychological aspect of the life of the Masses. According to WHO incidences of primary infertility are 20-30% while incidences of secondary infertility are 70-80%. Now a days due to sedentary life style, psychological factors, nutritional deficiency and stress leads to different diseases condition like PCOD, obesity, irregular menstrual cycle and anovulatory cycle and they all lead to female infertility. The female factors for infertility are ovulatory Factors(35%),tubal factors(30%),endometrial factors(21%),uterine Factors(14%).Here in this study anovulatory cause of infertility is selected. As it contribute about 35% of female infertility. According to ayurvedic classics Artav is the Updhatu of Rasa Dhatu and again Artava has all the qualities of Shonita(Rakta). Under Artava, menstrual blood, Ovum and female hormones are Included. Drugs used in the treatment of the patient may have properties of both Rasa & Raktashodhan and Also helps in the formation of raja(ovum) and normalise menstrual cycle. So in present study kadalipushpa taila uttarbasti is selected as uttarbasti can be used for systemic as well as local action. The uttarbasti procedure may itself stimulate the organs and also increases the blood supply. The increasing blood circulation may favours entry of drug and excretion of waste products from cells providing necessary elements to the organ facilitating their normal function.Thus kadalipushpa tail uttarbasti help to cure infertility because the uterovaginal permeability is much greater to lipophilic compound and by pass first pass metabolism, low enzymatic activity, reach upto the targeted site and give desired result.

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