Dr. Dhananjay N. Kahalekar* and Dr. Vishwas E. Gogate
Acharya Charaka has given the unique concept of Achara rasayana i.e. the code of conduct which provides good mental, physical, social and spiritual health to the person who regularly follows it. It plays an important role in prevention and management of psychosomatic disorders, behavioural, social issues and also provides all the benefits of rasayana. So, multiple effects can be obtained without any pharmacological intervention by Achar rasayana. Practicing these techniques helps to avoid stimuli or circumstances that disturb the biological rhythms and also leads to emotional harmony. The principles of Achar rasayana are more relevant today than ever. It goes into the heart of the issue i.e., stress that we are trying to overcome in order to be well and healthy. So, it can be stated as socio – behavioural norm of conduct which leads to happiness and good health in people and society. Acharya Charaka has highlighted the importance of good conduct throughout the samhita. So, the present article focusses on to study all the aspects of Achar rasayana from Charak samhita.
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