Dr. Sonam Kumari Keshari*, Dr. Avadhesh Kumar and Dr. Deena Nath Singh
Ageing is a complex process of accumulation of molecular, cellular, and organ damage, leading to loss of function and increased vulnerability to illness and death, the rate and extent of which varies among person. Ayurveda, the Indian traditional holistic health science has broad diapason of preventative measures for combating the geriatric process. Ayurveda wisdom has addressed geriatric health issues under a heading “Jara”. In Ashtang Ayurveda “Jara” is incorporated at 7th number among its eight branches. Jara one among the Swabhavik Vyadhi. Jara awastha is period for vitiation of Vata dosha and Dhatukshaya which leads to Jarajanya vyadhi.Sharira it degenerate from birth itself. It’s a natural Process. Rasayana and other Ayurvedic approach for Jara treatment will check and help the process of early degeneration by maintaining strength of Dhatu and help in bringing a happy and healthy ageing. It brings Vayasthapana and helps in Buddhivardhana, Balavardhana, Rognashana and helps in adding Vyadhikshamatva. It rejuvenates the body both on physical and mental levels. The Charaka samhita begins its Chikitsasthana with Rasayanachikitsa. Panchakarma procedures like basti, abhyanga, shirodhara, shiropichu, kayaseka etc can be advised to fight the degenerative process thereby perfecting quality of life. Basti it is supreme line of treatment particularly in aged person. Ahaara vihaara along with Rasayana and Panchakarma is important factor. Since it also brings vitality, strength helps in adding enthusiasm, Agni, Aayu, Bala, Ojas. A healthy and successful ageing is what everyone solicitations, which can be brought on the base of Ayurvedic lifestyle management (Vihaara), Balanced geriatric diet (Ahaara), Rasayana (rejuvenation remedy), Panchkarma along with planned complaint pacifying treatment.
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